Wheatley Secondary Plan Update
Imagine Wheatley : Secondary Plan
The Municipality of Chatham Kent is in the final stages of preparing a Secondary Land Use Plan and Servicing Strategy for South Wheatley that will promote new land uses in the neighbourhood such as residential, commercial, employment, natural, and public space uses.
The Secondary Plan, called Imagine Wheatley, will align with both the community’s priorities outlined in the CK Plan 2035(External link) and the Council Priorities(External link) of Growth, Environmental Sustainability, Community Wellness, and Community Engagement.
As a historically agricultural area, South Wheatley has the potential to grow and develop. A land use plan and servicing strategy will encourage the environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability of the area. The Secondary Plan process will utilize innovative approaches and creative solutions to develop a neighbourhood land use plan for South Wheatley that integrates the community’s vision for the future.
For up to date information on the secondary plan visit: https://www.letstalkchatham-kent.ca/imagine-wheatley
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