Updates on the Final Phase of the Wheatley Investigation
Many people in Wheatley have been asking about our progress on the site. Here are a few pictures to give you some idea where we are. The first picture shows the site after APEC’s 1, 2 and 3 were located and abandoned and after the installation of the scrubber that is housed in the sea can. Picture 2 shows after all the buildings were demolished. Picture 3 shows the site immediately prior to work staring on September 3rd. Picture 4 shows our progress to noon on Thursday September 12th. We started our work at 37 Eire and are currently on 9 Talbot. We are making good progress.
People are curious about how we will know when we locate a well. We had some excitement on Tuesday this week when we found a round hole buried behind 23 Eire. We eventually concluded that the feature was an old privy. The photographs show what we found and the progression of determining what the feature was. When we first come across an interesting feature, we take gas samples to determine if the gas is from a biological source (like an outhouse or rotting vegetation) or a thermogenic source (deep in the earth where oil and gas is produced from). In this case we determined the source as biological and continued to excavate until we came to the bottom of the feature. If we found a thermogenic source, we would secure the gas flow to ensure we have no dangerous emissions, then proceed to determine what kind of well we have encountered, a gas or water well.
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