Master Plan Open House, Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent will be hosting a public open house on the development of an updated Parks & Recreation Master Plan.

The Master Plan will provide a framework for the Municipality to identify and prioritize the delivery, upgrading, divestment, or new development of parks and recreation infrastructure, services, and programs to meet the needs of residents over the next ten years.

The open house is scheduled for Thursday, August 1, 2024 at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre, Meeting Room 1A, from 4:30 to 7:30pm. Members of the public are free to drop-in at any point during those hours.

The open house will feature interactive presentation boards placed around the room for a walkthrough experience. The focus of the session will include:

  • Project Overview, Purpose, Background, and Study Area
  • Goals & Objectives
  • Parks and Facilities Inventory
  • Trends and Best Practices
  • Public Feedback
  • Perception of the current parks and recreation systems
  • Wants and Needs
  • Next Steps

Staff will be available to answer questions and receive comments during the session.

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