Walpole Island First Nation 29th Annual Spring Pow-Wow

On May 20-21, Bkejwanong Territory is hosting it's Annual Spring Pow-Wow, M'nookmig Jiingtamook (Ojibwe). The event is open to everyone and free for the general public to attend.

I've put some tips below the poster.

Pow Wow flyer. Location: Walpole Island Sports Complex Fairgrounds (immediately after crossing the bridge). Inside arena if imclement weather forecasted. Directions: Off of 33 and 40 Highways, from Sarnia or Wallaceburg, Ontario. Also at Algonac, Michigan/Walpole Island Ferry. Vendors: Vendor fees apply for 2 days only. Authentic Indigenous cuisines, crafts are preferred. Other service/information booths available. Grand Entries: Saturday, May 20, 12PM and 6PM. Sunday, May 21, 12PM. Grass dance blessing daily. Host Drum: Whiteye Singers, Bkejwanong Territory. Head Senior male Dancer: Dennis Whiteye (Bkejwanong Territory). Head Senior Female Dancer: Neebing Whiteye (Bkejwanong Territory). Head Junior Male Dancer TBD. Head Junior Female Dancer: Miley Soney (Bkejwanong Territory). Specials: Baby pageant Sunday, Others TBD. Honour Guard: Wapole Island Veterans Association and Others attending. Singing Groups: All singing groups require minimum of 5 exclusive singers at registration. Youth and adult Smoke Dance Exhibition and Special Sunday, regalia required. Walpole Island First Nation Residential School Survivor Group Eagle Staff Presentation, Saturday. Sixties Scoop and Indian Day School Survivors, Saturday. No personal/private fundraising, raffles. Indemnity: WIFN and the Mnookmig Jiingtamook Committee will not be held responsible for injuries, lost/stolen/damaged articles, or short-funded travellers. The pow-wow is sponsored by various volunteers, administration, departments, services, community businesses, and community partnerships. Accomodations: Nearest hotel is Wallaceburg Inn 519-627-0781. Others in Sarnia, Chatham, or Sombra, Ontario. Camping: Tents only. Electricity/water: There are no electrical or water hook ups. Vendors to supply their own. Emergency Services: On site. More information: Stacey Nahdee at stacey_nahdee@hotmail.com Mobile: 226-627-9133 or Facebook: Stacey Nahdee


Pow-Wow gatherings are a spiritual and social gathering where people come together to dance, sing, heal, meet old friends, and make new ones. It’s a time to celebrate and reconnect with each other and Mother Earth.


Listen to the Master of Ceremonies – they’ll explain protocol to help visitors.

Ask permission before taking pictures.

Do not touch people’s regalia without permission. They are not costumes, and hold special meaning to dancers.

Feathers are sacred – if one falls, do not pick it up. Leave it where it is.

Seats closest to the dancing circle are reserved for singers, dancers, and drummers.

Bring a chair with you.

Do not bring alcohol or drugs.

Outdoor settings are sometimes uneven so watch your footing.

Leave pets at home as animals are not necessarily at cultural gatherings and ceremonial functions.

Sometimes bleachers are available for people to watch the gathering.

Respect that some sections set aside for those with mobility issues to sit with mobile chairs or walkers.

Sometimes specials can include placing a blanket on the ground for generous donations by visitors.

Intertribal dances are for all people present to partake in the dance.

Some vendors may have interact or etransfer options, but please make sure you have cash on hand as well.

Security is provided for parking lot areas.

Ambulance and police are present.

Enjoy all the vendors and have fun

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