Sept 17-23: Gender Equality Week

It's Gender Equality Week in Canada.

This is a week to raise awareness about the progress made, and challenges that remain, in efforts towards gender equality.

In honour of the week, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities has released their 2023 report on women's representation in Canadian Municipal elexcted positions.


  • Women make up 31% of all municipally-elected representatives in Canada
  • Women hold 22% of mayoral positions across Canada
  • 16% of the communities included had no women on their municipal Councils
  • 16% of communities have achieved gender parity (equal representation)
  • Women from particular groups are more likely to be under-represented on municipal Councils (i.e. Indigenous, Black, and racialized Women, 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, as examples)

Learn more on the Federation of Canadian Muncipalities website.

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