Council Composition & Ward Boundary Review

Formal Notice and Appeal Process - March 7, 2025

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on this 7th day of March, 2025, in accordance with Section 222 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, that on March 3, 2025, the Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent enacted By-law 29-2025 to redivide the wards and reassign council composition of the municipality.

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 222 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, the Minister or any other person or agency may make an appeal in respect of the By-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal with the municipality setting out the objections to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objections. A notice of appeal must be filed within 45 days after the By-law to redivide the wards was passed.

The final day to file a notice of appeal is Thursday, April 17, 2025.

Appeals may be made by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk via the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) e-file portal. Public users can access the portal at the following link: by selecting Chatham-Kent (Municipality of) as the Approval Authority. If the e-file portal is down, please file the appeal with the Clerk’s Office in-person at 315 King Street West, Chatham, ON by appointment, or electronically using the following email address:

The prescribed fee for filing a consent appeal with the OLT is $1,100.00. Payment can be made online through e-file or a certified cheque/money order, including the Appeal ID number(s), can be submitted to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario.

Please note that the right to appeal only applies to the ward structure and not the composition or method of selection for Councillors.

For further information, please contact the Municipal Clerk’s office:
315 King Street West, Chatham, ON N7M 5K8

Council will be Passing a New Ward Boundary By-law - February 14, 2025

In accordance with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Public Notice By-law 137-2020, Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent hereby gives notice of its intention to pass a by-law regarding re-establishing ward boundaries and council composition within the municipality.

As part of Chatham-Kent’s commitment to an effective and equitable representation system for all residents, this by-law addresses a structure that considers the Chatham-Kent of today and expected population growth through the 2026 and 2030 elections.

A copy of the draft by-law and associated maps detailing the adjusted ward boundaries and council composition will be added to the Chatham-Kent Let’s Talk page and will be on the Council agenda for March 3, 2025. The Council agenda package will be available by noon on February 27, 2025.

For more information, contact the Clerk’s office at 519-360-1998 or

Approved New Ward Boundaries

Motion to Draft Bylaw Reducing Chatham-Kent Council Size Approved

Council has approved a motion by Ward 1 Councillor Melissa Harrigan directing staff to bring forward a bylaw that would reduce Chatham-Kent’s Council size to 14 Councillors and one Mayor. This change is based on recommendations by consultant StrategyCorp. If approved, these changes are expected to take effect for the 2026 election.

The motion included one amendment to the proposed boundaries in StrategyCorp’s Report titled “Option 1”. The amendment, brought by Councillor Jamie McGrail, will shift the community of Mitchell’s Bay from the new proposed ward 5 to the newly proposed ward 4.

The new ward boundaries, if the bylaw is approved, will consist of eight new wards, up from the previous six. Three wards in Chatham with two councillors each, three wards in the county with two councillors each, and two wards in the county with one councillor each.

If the bylaw is approved, this will be the first time Chatham-Kent has updated its ward boundaries since amalgamation in 1998. The proposed Council composition and ward boundaries reflect the significant change in the community since then and would ensure the electoral system continues to provide a system of effective representation at least through to the 2030 Municipal election.

Update From Council Meeting on December 16, 2024

At the Monday, December 16th council meeting, the following motions were passed:

1. Chatham Kent Council confirm option 15C-v2 in principle, of the Strategy Corp report, for a total size of 15 Members of Council going forward.

2. Chatham-Kent Council direct Strategy Corps to return to Council with a report on ward boundaries in wards 5, 6 and 7, for the purpose of considering the impact of an "at large" urban ward, located in the city of Chatham.

3. That the report review the boundaries between Wards 1 and 2 and Wards 4 and 3.”

Strategy Corp will return to council on January 27th 2025 to provide further updates. Follow this page to stay updated on the latest information regarding the council structure and ward boundary review.

Chatham-Kent is conducting a third-party Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review to ensure the Municipality can provide an effective and equitable system of representation for all residents.

What’s being reviewed?

  1. The size and structure of Council – i.e., the number of Councillors on Council and the potential role of an elected Deputy Mayor.
  2. How Councillors are elected – i.e., whether Councillors are elected by ward, at-large, or some combination of the two, or how many Councillors are elected per ward.
  3. The electoral ward boundaries– i.e., how well the Municipality’s current ward boundaries deliver effective representation and new options to re-draw boundaries.

The Municipality’s expert consultant, StrategyCorp, will review all the above elements and make recommendations to Council based on key considerations of: representation by population; present and future population trends (i.e., growth); communities of interest; physical and natural boundaries; and the overriding principle of “effective representation.

Based on the finding and recommendations from this Review, Council will make a final decision on any specific changes or maintaining the status quo.

Why is this review needed?

Chatham-Kent has grown and evolved since the current ward boundaries were drawn 25 years ago at amalgamation. This review will aim to design a Council and ward boundary structure that considers the Chatham-Kent of today and expected population growth through the 2026 and 2030 elections.

How can you get involved?

The public will have opportunities to provide input and feedback through two (2) rounds of public consultation:

  1. The public will be consulted on the existing Council and ward boundary structure through a public survey and two (2) public meetings in late August 2024 (see below for details).
  2. The public will be consulted on specific possible ward boundary options through a public survey and two (2) public meetings in November 2024.

For more details on how to participate, check out the “Project Updates” below and subscribe to this page for regular updates.

To learn more about this review, visit the FAQs to the right on your screen.

How is Chatham-Kent’s Council currently structured?

Chatham Kent Council currently has 18 members, one (1) Mayor who is elected at-large by the entire Municipality, and 17 Councillors elected by ward including:

  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 1 (West Kent);
  • Three (3) Councillors from Ward 2 (South Kent);
  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 3 (East Kent);
  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 4 (North Kent);
  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 5 (Wallacebug); and
  • Six (6) Councillors from Ward 6 (Chatham).

An link to this map is available here.

Draft Ward Boundary Options

To access interactive map with for Chatham-Kent's draft Ward Boundary Options click here.

Populations Estimates are included here.

Option (1) - 18A

Option (2) - 15A Revised

Option (3) - 15B

Option (4) - 15C

Option (5) - 13A

Option (6) - 13B

Option (7) - 13C

Formal Notice and Appeal Process - March 7, 2025

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on this 7th day of March, 2025, in accordance with Section 222 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, that on March 3, 2025, the Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent enacted By-law 29-2025 to redivide the wards and reassign council composition of the municipality.

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 222 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, the Minister or any other person or agency may make an appeal in respect of the By-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal with the municipality setting out the objections to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objections. A notice of appeal must be filed within 45 days after the By-law to redivide the wards was passed.

The final day to file a notice of appeal is Thursday, April 17, 2025.

Appeals may be made by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk via the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) e-file portal. Public users can access the portal at the following link: by selecting Chatham-Kent (Municipality of) as the Approval Authority. If the e-file portal is down, please file the appeal with the Clerk’s Office in-person at 315 King Street West, Chatham, ON by appointment, or electronically using the following email address:

The prescribed fee for filing a consent appeal with the OLT is $1,100.00. Payment can be made online through e-file or a certified cheque/money order, including the Appeal ID number(s), can be submitted to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario.

Please note that the right to appeal only applies to the ward structure and not the composition or method of selection for Councillors.

For further information, please contact the Municipal Clerk’s office:
315 King Street West, Chatham, ON N7M 5K8

Council will be Passing a New Ward Boundary By-law - February 14, 2025

In accordance with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Public Notice By-law 137-2020, Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent hereby gives notice of its intention to pass a by-law regarding re-establishing ward boundaries and council composition within the municipality.

As part of Chatham-Kent’s commitment to an effective and equitable representation system for all residents, this by-law addresses a structure that considers the Chatham-Kent of today and expected population growth through the 2026 and 2030 elections.

A copy of the draft by-law and associated maps detailing the adjusted ward boundaries and council composition will be added to the Chatham-Kent Let’s Talk page and will be on the Council agenda for March 3, 2025. The Council agenda package will be available by noon on February 27, 2025.

For more information, contact the Clerk’s office at 519-360-1998 or

Approved New Ward Boundaries

Motion to Draft Bylaw Reducing Chatham-Kent Council Size Approved

Council has approved a motion by Ward 1 Councillor Melissa Harrigan directing staff to bring forward a bylaw that would reduce Chatham-Kent’s Council size to 14 Councillors and one Mayor. This change is based on recommendations by consultant StrategyCorp. If approved, these changes are expected to take effect for the 2026 election.

The motion included one amendment to the proposed boundaries in StrategyCorp’s Report titled “Option 1”. The amendment, brought by Councillor Jamie McGrail, will shift the community of Mitchell’s Bay from the new proposed ward 5 to the newly proposed ward 4.

The new ward boundaries, if the bylaw is approved, will consist of eight new wards, up from the previous six. Three wards in Chatham with two councillors each, three wards in the county with two councillors each, and two wards in the county with one councillor each.

If the bylaw is approved, this will be the first time Chatham-Kent has updated its ward boundaries since amalgamation in 1998. The proposed Council composition and ward boundaries reflect the significant change in the community since then and would ensure the electoral system continues to provide a system of effective representation at least through to the 2030 Municipal election.

Update From Council Meeting on December 16, 2024

At the Monday, December 16th council meeting, the following motions were passed:

1. Chatham Kent Council confirm option 15C-v2 in principle, of the Strategy Corp report, for a total size of 15 Members of Council going forward.

2. Chatham-Kent Council direct Strategy Corps to return to Council with a report on ward boundaries in wards 5, 6 and 7, for the purpose of considering the impact of an "at large" urban ward, located in the city of Chatham.

3. That the report review the boundaries between Wards 1 and 2 and Wards 4 and 3.”

Strategy Corp will return to council on January 27th 2025 to provide further updates. Follow this page to stay updated on the latest information regarding the council structure and ward boundary review.

Chatham-Kent is conducting a third-party Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review to ensure the Municipality can provide an effective and equitable system of representation for all residents.

What’s being reviewed?

  1. The size and structure of Council – i.e., the number of Councillors on Council and the potential role of an elected Deputy Mayor.
  2. How Councillors are elected – i.e., whether Councillors are elected by ward, at-large, or some combination of the two, or how many Councillors are elected per ward.
  3. The electoral ward boundaries– i.e., how well the Municipality’s current ward boundaries deliver effective representation and new options to re-draw boundaries.

The Municipality’s expert consultant, StrategyCorp, will review all the above elements and make recommendations to Council based on key considerations of: representation by population; present and future population trends (i.e., growth); communities of interest; physical and natural boundaries; and the overriding principle of “effective representation.

Based on the finding and recommendations from this Review, Council will make a final decision on any specific changes or maintaining the status quo.

Why is this review needed?

Chatham-Kent has grown and evolved since the current ward boundaries were drawn 25 years ago at amalgamation. This review will aim to design a Council and ward boundary structure that considers the Chatham-Kent of today and expected population growth through the 2026 and 2030 elections.

How can you get involved?

The public will have opportunities to provide input and feedback through two (2) rounds of public consultation:

  1. The public will be consulted on the existing Council and ward boundary structure through a public survey and two (2) public meetings in late August 2024 (see below for details).
  2. The public will be consulted on specific possible ward boundary options through a public survey and two (2) public meetings in November 2024.

For more details on how to participate, check out the “Project Updates” below and subscribe to this page for regular updates.

To learn more about this review, visit the FAQs to the right on your screen.

How is Chatham-Kent’s Council currently structured?

Chatham Kent Council currently has 18 members, one (1) Mayor who is elected at-large by the entire Municipality, and 17 Councillors elected by ward including:

  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 1 (West Kent);
  • Three (3) Councillors from Ward 2 (South Kent);
  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 3 (East Kent);
  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 4 (North Kent);
  • Two (2) Councillors from Ward 5 (Wallacebug); and
  • Six (6) Councillors from Ward 6 (Chatham).

An link to this map is available here.

Draft Ward Boundary Options

To access interactive map with for Chatham-Kent's draft Ward Boundary Options click here.

Populations Estimates are included here.

Option (1) - 18A

Option (2) - 15A Revised

Option (3) - 15B

Option (4) - 15C

Option (5) - 13A

Option (6) - 13B

Option (7) - 13C

  • Formal Notice and Appeal Process

    Formal Notice and Appeal Process

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on this 7th day of March, 2025, in accordance with Section 222 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, that on March 3, 2025, the Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent enacted By-law 29-2025 to redivide the wards and reassign council composition of the municipality.

    TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 222 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, the Minister or any other person or agency may make an appeal in respect of the By-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal with the municipality setting out the objections to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objections. A notice of appeal must be filed within 45 days after the By-law to redivide the wards was passed.

    The final day to file a notice of appeal is Thursday, April 17, 2025.

    Appeals may be made by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk via the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) e-file portal. Public users can access the portal at the following link: by selecting Chatham-Kent (Municipality of) as the Approval Authority. If the e-file portal is down, please file the appeal with the Clerk’s Office in-person at 315 King Street West, Chatham, ON by appointment, or electronically using the following email address:

    The prescribed fee for filing a consent appeal with the OLT is $1,100.00. Payment can be made online through e-file or a certified cheque/money order, including the Appeal ID number(s), can be submitted to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario.

    Please note that the right to appeal only applies to the ward structure and not the composition or method of selection for Councillors.

    For further information, please contact the Municipal Clerk’s office:

    Municipality of Chatham-Kent
    c/o Municipal Clerk, Judy Smith
    315 King Street West,
    Chatham, ON N7M 5K8

  • Update From Council Meeting on December 16, 2024

    Update From Council Meeting on December 16, 2024

    At the Monday, December 16th council meeting, the following motions were passed:

    1. Chatham Kent Council confirm option 15C-v2 in principle, of the Strategy Corp report, for a total size of 15 Members of Council going forward.

    2. Chatham-Kent Council direct Strategy Corps to return to Council with a report on ward boundaries in wards 5, 6 and 7, for the purpose of considering the impact of an "at large" urban ward, located in the city of Chatham.

    3. That the report review the boundaries between Wards 1 and 2 and Wards 4 and 3.”

    Strategy Corp will return to council on January 27th 2025 to provide further updates. Follow this page to stay updated on the latest information regarding the council structure and ward boundary review.

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025, 09:50 AM