What are the operational challenges of the Tilbury Leaf and Yard Depot?

    The Tilbury Leaf and Yard Depot, located at Tower St., currently operates as a leaf and yard waste depot as per the municipal procedural policy. Acceptable leaf and yard waste generated from residential sources is accepted throughout the year and is mechanically grounded using a horizontal grinder by a contractor. This grinding process is regulated by the Environmental Protection Act, which stipulates an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) certificate be obtained from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) regulations and is strictly followed for the mobile grinding unit’s legal operation.   

    The ECA related to such a mobile grinding unit prohibits operations within 180m of the nearest residential property in urban areas. This deems the unit inoperable at the Tower St leaf and yard waste depot, as it does not comply with the MECP-issued ECA.  

    To address this challenge and keep the site operational in the short term, accumulated waste has been hauled from the Tower St. site to the Romney Leaf and Yard Depot where grinding operations are in compliance with the ECA for the mobile operation. However, the process of hauling the yard waste is inefficient and costly. 

    In addition to the challenges with the mobile operation, the large piles of yard waste attract rodents and can be a considerable fire hazard, which is concerning given the site’s proximity to residential neighbourhoods. Furthermore, as this site is not supervised by municipal staff and drop-off, it is frequently abused leading to the contamination of the yard and leaf waste with non-organic waste.

    Will the proposed changes affect curbside leaf and yard service?

    No, curbside service will remain unchanged.

    I live in the rural area surrounding Tilbury; where can I go to drop off my leaf and yard waste?

    The closest rural depot to Tilbury is the Romney Leaf and Yard Depot, located at 22022 Wheatley Rd. Residents of Chatham-Kent, regardless of location, are welcome to use any of the eight (8) remaining yard and leaf depots located throughout the Municipality. Visit www.chatham-kent.ca for more information on locations and hours.

    Is composting at the Tilbury Leaf and Yard Depot an option as opposed to mechanical grinding?

    Transitioning to composting, as opposed to mechanical grinding, would require the Tilbury Leaf and Yard Depot to have its own ECA because the site’s operation would be significantly altered. To convert from a drop-off depot to a composting facility requires a large capital investment from Council to cover costs of land acquisition, permanent staff or contractor wages, engineering design of the composting site alteration and processes to conform to MECP requirements for stormwater runoff, odours, etc. Therefore, composting is not a feasible solution at this site.

    If the Tilbury Leaf and Yard Depot were to close, could a new leaf and yard depot be established at a new location close to Tilbury?

    Establishing a new depot would require significant capital investment, and the new site can not be located inside the urban boundaries of Tilbury. However, this option will be evaluated and presented to Council for decision making.