What work has been completed since the fire?

    Municipal staff and volunteers from the Canadian Red Cross continue to approach this emergency with an “all hands-on deck” approach. Case managers have been redeployed from their regular community-based duties and are working with tenants on a number of unique needs. Staff from other divisions, (e.g. Economic Development, Engineering, Legal) continue to prioritize the significant work that is needed to help all those displaced.

    As of September 6, 2024:

    • 22 tenants have been assisted in securing placements in Retirement homes.
    • Seven tenants have been assisted with signing short-term leases with private landlords, five more are scheduled to sign over the next few days.
    • Over 90 tenants have received emergency accommodations in the last week. Some tenants remain in hotels due to their unique situations while others have registered at the Red Cross Evacuation Centre. The remaining tenants have been able to secure temporary accommodations with friends and family.
    • Donations have been organized and tenants have and will continue to have the opportunity to attend and receive the items that they need.
    • Within the building, environmental mapping has taken place to determine the damage to the building and restoration clean-up has started. Chatham-Kent is working with contractors to determine the scope of work needed for the building to be ready for occupancy. A timeline for occupancy is not available until more investigation and cleanup is completed.
    • Staff have finalized financial supports that are being offered to tenants so that they can afford rent for the time that they are displaced. All tenants will first exhaust insurance before accessing additional supports.

    When can I go back to my apartment?

    Tenants can expect a phased plan to their return.

    Pending changes to the scope of work required to make the building safe, tenants in section D and C can reasonably expect to be the first to return and as such these tenants are a lower priority for securing units with other landlords. Staff will be communicating a specific timeline as soon as they are able to.

    Tenants in sections A and B should expect a longer wait as the work required to make these sections safe is extensive. Case managers and staff will provide further information to these impacted tenants as soon as we are able to.

    Can I go get items out of my apartment?

    Staff have assisted tenants with collecting small personal items like wallets, glasses, critical documents from their units.

    Impacted residents should discuss additional needs with their case managers and they will do their best to accommodate.

    Is the building going to be torn down?

    No, staff have received no information to support this. Contractors are actively working to address repairs to get the first phase of tenants back as quickly as possible.

    I do not have my needed medications. How can I get them?

    If you need medications, talk to your pharmacy about getting new ones.  They can usually give you 7 days without a new prescription.  If you need help sorting out medications, please speak with a case manager at 519-351-8573 and staff will work to assist you as quickly as possible.

    How is the Municipality triaging services?

    Given the level of need, staff are required to triage supports and services. Staff are prioritizing assistance to individuals requiring mobility supports and those who require additional health-related supports.

    We would encourage any tenant who is able to self-resolve their emergency through friends and family to please do so. We will assist you with your individual needs to the best of our ability and as soon as possible but must continue to prioritise those with the highest needs and least supports.

    Who is paying for the motel stay?

    The motel stay is paid for by the municipality. Tenants can call Employment and Social Services or Housing Services at 519-351-8573 during business hours (Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm).

    As the Red Cross has now opened an Evacuation Shelter, tenants from 99 McNaughton who do not have a pre-approved hotel stay, or whose hotel stay has ended are asked to attend 55 Croydon and register with the Red Cross should they need shelter.

    The Homeless Response Line at 519-354-6628 (After hours) is available at any time for individuals requiring transportation to Red Cross Evacuation Shelter.

    My apartment was destroyed, what will happen to me?

    Municipal staff from multiple divisions are working as quickly as possible to assist you and all tenants of 99 McNaughton. Staff are doing their best to help you at this extremely difficult time, we do appreciate your patience. Fire and Engineering services continue to assess the building to determine next steps. 

    Red Cross have set up an Evacuation shelter at the old St. Agnes School, and are working on getting longer-term accommodations set up in the community for everyone.

    The Municipality is working diligently with Private Landlords, Retirement homes, and other property owners to secure longer stays for those impacted. 

    Where can I donate to those in need?

    • Betty Bright Dry Cleaners – 108 Keil St. S. in Chatham – drop off Monday to Friday from 9:00 am-6:00 pm and Saturday to Sunday from 9:00 am-5:00 pm.
    • SkyLine building at 150 Mary St. in Chatham – drop off between 1:00-4:00 pm - 7 days a week. There will be donation bins inside the front door.
    • SkyLine building at 805 Grand Ave. W. in Chatham – drop off between 1:00-4:00 pm - 7 days a week. There will be donation bins inside the front door.
    • Emmanuel Baptist Church at 100 McNaughton Ave. West – drop-off Monday to Friday 9am-12pm (go to the back of the church and go to the office) - starting Aug 28
    • Christ Church at 80 Wellington St. West – drop-off from Tuesday to Friday 9am-12pm - ring the bell when you arrive with a donation.
    • Trinity United Church in Wallaceburg at 750 Wellington St. – drop-off from Tuesday to Thursday from 10am-12pm – at the front entrance.

    I left a voicemail with my case manager and no one is getting back to me

    Please know that staff will return your call as soon as possible. The number of people in need due to this emergency cannot be understated and we kindly ask for patience as staff work to assist everyone impacted.

    I am a Landlord and want information about how I can help

    Please contact:


    I would like to volunteer with the Red Cross or donate food

    We appreciate your compassion and kindness during this difficult time however the Red Cross requires significant training in order to volunteer. We would encourage you to connect with the Red Cross to explore future opportunities.

    Due to liability and public health standards Red Cross is working with local caterers to meet the need of this emergency. There are many other food programs like Outreach for Hunger that can put your donation to good use.

    I am an Insurance adjuster seeking information for my client

    Please be advised that Chatham-Kent has retained Winmar for restoration work, and they have agreed to coordinate access for insurance adjusters. They also may be able to share information they have already gathered about your insured’s unit. Please contact Winmar directly at 519-351-0225 or by email: admin@chatham.winmar.ca or exec@chatham.winmar.ca

    As you may anticipate, with 120 units out, we have a lot of requests for information and access. If insurers can kindly coordinate all their claims and requests for information, that would be greatly appreciated 

    We ask that tenants contact their providers and do not contact Winmar directly.

    I am a tenant, what can I expect over the next two weeks?

    Staff are working to secure a large number of short term and medium-term accommodations with interested property owners. Once agreements are finalized staff will be presenting offers to tenants. We expect to provide an update in the coming days. Tenants will be supported in moving to these accommodations and will receive financial assistance to ensure affordability until they can return home or secure another community housing unit.

    I have heard that some tenants have been asked to consent to the removal and destruction of their property.

    Yes, some tenants in section B are being asked to consent to the removal of their property. This is being done because the damage to these specific units is extensive and as per the contractor, the possessions are not salvageable due to health and safety.

    At this time, this is not expected to be the case in other areas of the apartment building.

    How long will the Evacuation Centre and hotel rooms be offered?

    Many tenants were able to secure temporary accommodations with friends and family. Staff are working to provide options for those currently staying at the evacuation centre with Red Cross and are planning to close this facility over the next two weeks unless circumstances change.

    Similarly, staff are working to move individuals out of hotels into short- and medium-term accommodations.

    Anyone impacted by the fire at 99 McNaughton is asked to attend and register at the Red Cross Evacuation Centre if they know that they will be unable to stay in their current arrangement past September 15th

    The Municipality is unable to assist with any new hotel requests and instead is relying on the services of the Red Cross. Once these services are no longer needed, they will close and will not reopen at which point individuals whose current arrangements fall through, will be directed to the Homeless Response Line and triaged for available beds at Victoria Park Place.

    The Municipality will continue to work with all tenants to secure medium term housing options until they can return home.