Thank you Chatham-Kent

We have received an overwhelming response to help the residents 99 McNaughton, as a result, we are no longer accepting donations. We want to extend our gratitude to all of Chatham-Kent for coming together so quickly to help the residents affected by the fire.

We have set up a sorting site for donations and have opened this site to the affected residents. We will continue to be open to residents all week from 11am to 4pm. Volunteers are there to assist.

If you are unable to get to the sorting site on your own, please contact your case manager and they will assist you. Your case manager will be able to provide you with the location and instructions.

Each resident has been assigned an Emergency Case Manager to assist with individual needs. If you are a resident and do not know who your Case Manager is, please contact the Employment & Social Services office Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm at 519-351-8573 or the Homeless Response Line after hours at 519-354-6628. You will be given the name and contact information for your case manager.

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