Treaties Recognition Week

November 6th to November 12th is Treaties Recognition Week!

We encourage everyone to take some time this week to learn about Treaties. Further understand their importance, what they mean, and more from the Treaties Recognition Week Poster attached in this post.

A beige colored poster, with three columns resembling a brochure format. In the first column it reads "Treaties Recognition Week: November 6th-12th, 2022". In the second column it reads at the top, In 2016, Ontario became the first province in Canada to declare the first week of November as Treaties Recognition Week. We encourage you to review at least one resource below this week to learn about the importance of Treaties. In the paragraph below it reads, What are treaties? Treaties are nation-to-nation agreements. In the context of the lands now known as Canada, Treaties are between the Government of Canada (also known as the Crown) and Indigenous Peoples. In the last paragraph it reads, Why is treaties recognition week important? By learning more about our collective Treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. Treaties Recognition Week also represents one of many steps on Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. This week was launched in 2016 in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. In the third and final coloumn, there are resources to learn more about treaties and agreements, McKee Purchase Treaty, The Grandfather of all Treaties, Treaties in Ontario, Indigenous Voices on Treaties, and Anishinabek Nation Resources. The final column reads, Treaties Beyond Text as the title. In the body, it writes, Why is treaties recognition week important? By learning more about our collective Treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. Treaties Recognition Week also represents one of many steps on Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. This week was launched in 2016 in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

The resources listed in the infographic can be found below:

Treaties and Agreements on The Government of Canada Website

Mckee Purchase Treaty on The Canadian Encyclopedia

The Grandfather of all Treaties on Briar Patch

Treaties in Ontario from Ontario's Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Indigenous Voices on Treaties from Ontario's Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Anishinabek Nation Resources from Anishinabek Nation

Learn more about local Indigenous Cultures from the CK Road To Understanding

Please reach out to Amrit Khaira or Rebecca Haskell-Thomas at or 226.312.2023 x 3610 if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you,

The DEIJ Team

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