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CK Child and Youth Planning Network Logo

How Are YOU doing, CK Families?

Please share with us how COVID has affected you as a parent, and please encourage your child(ren) to also complete the survey from their viewpoint. This will give us a clearer understanding of everyone's needs, plus it may also open the door to some supportive conversations within your family. Thank you in advance for your time and feedback! 


We are seeking feedback from parents and youth about their experience of COVID. Please choose the best option below for you:

* required

What services, either that already exist or new services that you wish were available, might support you with your biggest concerns (select all that apply)

* required

Where do you live? (Check all that apply if you have multiple residences)

We Ask Because We Care

We are collecting the following information to find out more about you, our unique Chatham-Kent families, so we can better support you with our services and programs.

These questions are voluntary and you can choose ‘prefer not to answer’ to any or all questions. 

All data is combined in such a way that we will not be able to identify any one person or family with this information.


Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic group?


Do you have any of the following? Check ALL that apply


What is your gender?


What is your sexual orientation?


What was your total family income before taxes last year?

... and that's it!

Please click the "Submit" button to end the survey.