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Budget Survey 2025 Annual Update

Decisions will start to be made for the 2025 annual update of the 2024-2027 multi-year Municipal Budget. Council and administration want to hear from you.

Did you know...

The 2025 budget is the second year of the approved 2024 to 2027 multi-year budget. The 2025 Council-approved tax increase is 8.17% and will be returning to Council this fall for an update and adoption.


With switching from a single year budget to a multi-year budget, as a taxpayer, does it allow for you to better budget for the future increases?


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Did you know...

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent uses Openbook to share financial and other information in an open, visual, and user-friendly way. The Openbook site can be found at


The Municipality currently must take on nearly all the costs associated with emergency shelter and support. How much of these costs do you think should be funded by the Province?


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Did you know...

Asset Management Planning (AMP) is an ongoing and long-term process that allows municipalities to make the best possible investment decisions for their infrastructure assets including building, operation, maintenance, renewal, replacement, and disposal, and that the assets identified within Chatham-Kent’s AMP are currently only approximately 40% funded. Funding for Chatham-Kent’s infrastructure is proposed in two parts: an annual levy of 1.5% of taxes to close the funding gap as well as annual inflation on current lifecycle funding to keep pace with requirements as construction costs increase.


The Municipality is currently dealing with a large funding gap in maintaining its infrastructure for use by the residents of Chatham-Kent. To close the gap would you prefer to:


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Did you know...

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has not completed a property reassessment since 2016. This means properties are taxed on 2016 values and any changes (either increases or decreases) are not reflected on a property’s tax bill.


Over the past few years, the library has eliminated overdue fines eliminating barriers to public library services. To continue to eliminate barriers, do you support the elimination of parking fees on Library Lane behind the Chatham Library to better serve library patrons?


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Did you know...

The migration to the Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) system is regarded as the most significant technology and process change to the operation of public-safety answering points since the 9-1-1 system was introduced. NG9-1-1 will lead to safer, faster and more informed emergency responses by making it possible for Canadians to send video and/or medical information to first responders. The CRTC has mandated the system be implemented by March 2025.


If you, as a taxpayer, were to have a choice to increase user fees to lessen the tax increase, keep the user fees the same (with minimal increase) but have the tax base increase, or reduce services, which would you choose?


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Tell us about yourself.


Which ward do you reside in?


Are you a homeowner and/or business owner?